We have a mama hummingbird that raises her babies in a nest on our front porch, attached to the chain of a hanging light fixture. I'm not sure if it's the same mama hummer each time, but there have been at least half a dozen families in the nest over the past couple of years. Each time she starts getting the nest ready, she'll sometimes add on and attach pretty little flowers to the outside ... soooooo cute! It's starting to look like a hummer tri-plex now
This is the view inside the nest, taken shortly after the baby left ...
This little hummer left it's nest earlier in the morning, and decided to take a rest on the front fence. Shortly after, a lizard appeared and showed great interest in the little baby hummer. Mama hummer continued to go get food, from one of our many feeders, and came back to feed the little darlin' ...
No worries, the little hummer flew away before the reptile could grab it. No critters were harmed in the photographing of this event. However, I was armed with a rake in the event I needed to intervene and scare the lizard way ...

~ The End ~