Last week, as we were preparing dinner, I noticed a hummingbird flying around in the house. We've had several come in to visit, along with an occasional sugar bird. I think they just like to come in and see what we're doing, then forget their way back out. It was shortly after I'd filled all the feeders on the front porch, so I'm thinking it came in to thank me personally, or it had the biggest sugar buzz going and didn't know where it was.
Later, it became apparent the hummer was infatuated with the fake hummingbirds hanging from the mobiles dangling from the tall ceiling. At one point it landed on the mobile, and appeared to be making goo-goo eyes at the pretty painted hummers floating in the breeze. Awwwwwwww ... I think he momentarily fell in love ...
It also became apparent he was eyeing the fake hibiscus ... poor little feller is hungry! We brought in a couple of feeders, hoping he would quench his thirst and be on his way ...
That hummer drank a lot of food ... poor thing was really hungry. After he'd quenched his thirst, he continued his visit and discovered the pretty fake parrot ... goo-goo eyes for the parrot soon followed ...
Eventually, the hummer settled down and perched on the hummer mobile and watched a movie with us. Don't remember what movie we watched, but I do know both the hummer and I snoozed through the end.
We decided to let the hummer spend the night inside ... not really much choice at this point. In the morning the hummer took a drink from the feeder and decided to go outside and explore. He was a most excellent houseguest.
~The End~