It's a Federal holiday, which means a day off work for me ... YIPPEEEE! Speaking of Columbus, here's a bit of island history:
Christopher Columbus visited St. Croix on November 14th, 1493 on his second voyage to the New World. Columbus named the island Santa Cruz (Holy Cross). The explorers anchored off a natural bay west of Christiansted, known today as Salt River. Some two-dozen armed men from Columbus' fleet went ashore to explore. These men were met by defensive arrows to which they retreated. The Salt River site is the first and only positively documented site associated with Columbus' exploration of the New World on what is today a U.S. territory.
Perhaps today I'll celebrate the holiday by lounging in the pool. I did a little pool lounging yesterday after our dive, very relaxing. As I was drifting in and out of a restful slumber, I noticed the clouds drifting by ... and of course I thought "Hey, I should take a picture of those" ... but I didn't. I think today I'll snap some photos of the view from the pool, from my air mattress, maybe a video.
Perhaps I'll go downtown and do a little shopping, wander around Christiansted and see if I can find anything I absolutely can't live without. There's always something! It's a cute little town, maybe I'll take some pictures.
Perhaps I'll go have a pedicure, it seems like a good day for a little pampering.
Perhaps I'll change the ring in my navel. I had it pierced probably 6 or 7 years ago and I've never changed the ring. Possibly because it makes me queasy to even think about it! I have a really cute dolphin ring, and another with pretty purple stones .... feeling queasy ... I think I'll skip this one.
Perhaps I'll finish taking pictures of the rest or our cat family, there are many left to be snapped in a Kodak moment; some are pretty camera-shy.
Perhaps I'll take some pictures of our puppies, they LOVE having their picture taken. Zoe prefers no flash, it's too much like lightning and makes her head for the closet.
Perhaps I'll go jump in the pool now and get my day started; it's gonna be a GREAT day!

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