Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh deer!

Coming back from breakfast yesterday, we spotted a family of deer; Daddy Buck, Mama Doe, Baby Fawn ... awwwwwwww ... bless their little hearts.



Anonymous said...

Since I'm so well acquainted with the island, I'm wondering where you ate and where you spotted the deer. It looks like they found a spot with lots of "greens". Great see!   Love from Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Mama! They were down the hill from our house, if you turn left from our drive way, they've cleared out a spot at the bottom where the next curve is on the left side of the road. Looks like someone is planning to build a house there, and someone parks their horse there, too. I expect the deer family will be dining in our yard sometime soon ... I've been watching for them. Would be great if they'd walk through the back jungle!

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are so beautiful.  I especially love the deer.  Thanks for sharing them with us.  Sue

Anonymous said...

Yo Jill,

Great shots of the deer and horse. I recall the spot you described. They were in the process of developing that area when we were there in March.

Love ya, Dad