Nope, but I did have an ant farm in my BCD (Buoyancy Control Device) .... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.... HOLY COW .... YUCK ... WTF? ... GROSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!
WE FINALLY WENT DIVNG TODAY .... "WOOOOOOHOOOOO", as my HoneyBunch would say! It was a great day of diving, the water was 86 degrees, so many fish it was mesmorizing, and pretty good visibility. We spent about 50 minutes under water at Cane Bay, doing a shallow dive today ... I prefer staying shallow when I haven't dived in a while, plus there were so many fish and critters at that depth, it was phenomenal. I'm hoping this will be the beginning of our new habit of diving ... 1 down, 10 to go and it will be a habit!
After the dive we had brunch at Cane Bay ... YUM ... Juevos Rancheros ... really, REALLY good. I'm ALWAYS starving after we go diving and this is such a nice way to follow a dive; so relaxing to sit and watch the ocean and the blue sky and the clouds and the people .... I can hardly wait for next time.
Sooooooooooooo ... to follow up on the ant farm incident, we haven't been diving since February ... lots of excuses. This morning we packed up our gear and were putting it on and I noticed some ants on my BCD. Rudy mentioned he had some ants on his and I thought I'd just brush off the ants on mine and we'd be off into the wild blue yonder. I opened the pocket of my BCD and pulled out my gloves and there were a bunch of ants. OK, I've been stung NUMEROUS times all at once by fire ants, but these were just the small ones that don't sting or bite or whatever they do, so we brushed them off, sort of ... but I was somewhat concerned. I pulled out my weights from my BCD and HOLY SHIT ..... there were thousands of ants and ants with eggs and ants-a-plenty! Not one to FREAK OUT ... but I'm not wearing a BCD that's also an ANT FARM ! I rented a BCD and we went out for a really nice dive. I guess to prevent this from happening again, we need to go diving more often .... lesson learned!
I'll add a couple of pictures from when we were getting geared up and ready to dive ... didn't get pictures of the ant farm. Also, some pictures of the really cute goats on the way to-and-fro the dive site. AND our pineapple farm .. it looks just like a regular little pineapple now, but it's sproutin' some weird growths out at the bottom.
1 comment:
Amazing that you can grow a real pineapple in your own back yard. The growth on the side--I can't imagine what that is--maybe a start of another pineapple. I hope someone tells you about it--if you should leave it or cut it off. I don't know!
I enjoyed the diving scene and am glad we didn't have to see the ant farm--goat farm is enough!. . .Love from Mom
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