Sunday, February 11, 2007

Things are bloomin' all over the place!

Things are bloomin', and makin' fruit all over the place ... YUM!!!!

We've got bananas and papaya and passion fruit galore .... YIPPPPEEEE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Jill--You've certainly made up for lost time with your new album of pictures. I hope you learn the name of the new blue flowering vine--foliage looks a little like the pea family. I can't believe how much the papaya and banana plants have grown in a year since we saw them last. Nice plantation! Love from Mom

Anonymous said...

I am so terribly jealous of your life in paradise.  I'lll trade you for my life in Utah!  It's going to be a warm day here... high of 41 degrees!

Where abouts do you live on St. Croix?  I stayed at the Waves in October, and really fell in love with the North Shore.  Back in the 1800's a member of my family owned Rust Op Twist, so it was neat to see that.

Thanks for the pictures!  It makes me ache to go back to St. Croix....

Anonymous said...

Mom/dotfisher3 - Won't be long now and you'll be here soaking up the warm sunshine! I think the first bunch of bananas will be ready for picking when you're here ... YIPPPEEEEE! The blue flowering vine is called Butterfly Pea, or double blue pea vine.

kittdavis - 41 in Utah? BRRRRRRRRR! Wish I could send you some warm breezes! We live mid-island, in Constitution Hill. I love the North Shore, too, that's where we usually go for diving or dining at Cane Bay Full Moon Beach  Bar ... YUM!!! We pass Rust Op Twist on our way there, very neat that a member of your family owned it, very beautiful location. I'll be adding more pictures soon ... stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

Visited St Croix in mid-January this year. Fell in love with the East Side, but I
stayed at King Christian Hotel. The house at the turn off to Pt. Udall is
fantastic with the roadside century plants. I was in awe everytime I drove by.
BTW, in my opinion, the casino had the BEST FOOD I had ever tasted - including
the pizza. Or was I just famished from my outings???

My only complaint? Especially on the East Side, the roadsigns are covered by
vegetation - no problem for you locals, but a disaster for tourists. After a few
times around the island, I knew where they were and it was no problem.

Great time!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jimmy,Mid-January is a great time to visit St. Croix, especially if your from someplace cold in the states!

I haven't been out to Pt. Udall in forever, but I do recall the house you're referring to with the century plants. The casino food was good? WOW ... you must've been starvin'! Just kidding, I've never actually eaten at the casino, might have to try that and let you know.

Hadn't noticed the roadside vegetation on signs, maybe it's a problem specific to the East end ... haven't been out that way in a long, long time! I think it's time for me to get out and see the sights of the island!

Glad you enjoyed your time on St. Croix, it's a fun place to visit and a great place to live! My parents and Aunt will be arriving next week for a visit, so I'll get to see the sights of the island again, I can't wait!
