Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Nobody here but us and a couple of lizards!

Today was a holiday here, Christmas 2nd day. I'm not kidding, it's true, it's really a holiday and that's what they call it. It was a day off for us, but HoneyBunch/Rudy and I went to work to take care of a couple of things. I happened to look out the window and spotted 2 big iguana frolicking in the parking lot. HOLY COW!!!!! Was I excited???? You better believe it!! I ran in and alerted HoneyBunch/Rudy, we grabbed our camera and snapped them in action. We threw them a couple of Christmas cookies, but they opted for weeds instead. It was quite an amazing site, they looked so happy to have the parking lot to themselves, not having to dodge customers and cars and heavy equipment. I think they were truly enjoying their Christmas 2nd day ... I believe it might be like a day at the beach for us. Good times!

Christmas in paradise

Christmas in paradise ... it's a beautiful thing! We found one of the most spectacular lighting displays on island, they even have Christmas music playing in the back ground.

Christmas day we went for a dive at Cane Bay, very nice. We saw a big barracuda and a couple of manta rays and a whole bunch of beautiful fishies ... what a great way to spend Christmas Day.

The beach was definitely the place to be on Chrismas Day. As we were exiting the water after our dive, Diane, our favorite waitress from Cane Bay Beach bar came up to greet us and give us a big Christmas hug!  She and her family were camped in the shade on the beach, sipping holiday spirits, enjoying their Christmas feast and playing in the sand. What an amazing site, watching all the families and friends enjoying the holiday together at the beach... this IS paradise!


Empty nest

The hummers have both flown the coop ... the nest is empty and all is quiet. I saw both babies fly away on different days ... not a smooth first flight. In fact, the first one flew out and landed on the porch and I scooped it up and tried to place it ever so gently back in the nest. It wouldn't stay and eventually took off into the wild blue yonder. Actually, it landed in the bushes at the edge of the driveway and I couldn't find it again. The 2nd baby left a couple days later, again, not a pretty first flight. It went in the same direction as it's sibling, so I'm thinking they stuck together and are learning the ways of the land side by side. Mama hummer was back a couple of times and has since been spotted feeding from the flowers around the porch. I'm hoping she'll use this nest again next time. It was a great experience watching them develop ... my oh my .... I think I'm suffering from empty nest syndrome!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Full House

Feathers and beaks ... no room for mama!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I'm not your Mama!

Look at that ... they've got their mouths AND their eyes open! I took this picture this morning, while Mama Hummer was out getting breakfast. Apparently she's not spending much time in the nest these days, probably a little too crowded, with those big beaks and all. In fact, yesterday morning I hadn't seen the mama hummer,  she didn't sleep in the nest at night, causing me a bit of panic. I was thinking perhaps something had happened to her, nabbed by a cat or grabbed by one of the local kestrel's that hang around the casa. Fortunately she reappeared and is continuing to take good care of the twins. Lucky for them, I don't think I could possibly take over the feeding ... it's a full time job for her.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Hummer growth

I do believe the little hummers are getting cuter by the minute ... NOT! But I do see wings and cuteness in their near future ... any day now ... I'm sure!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Pretty night blooms

The orchid cactus was in bloom last night, I snapped these photo's very early this morning. I guess insomnia isn't always a bad thing! The blooms only last 1 night and then drop off. I see more buds, more blooms are on the horizon ... YIPPPPEEEEEE!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

How small is small?

This picture really puts into perspective just how small small really is! Rudy's pointer finger next to the little nest ... amazing, huh?

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Baby hummingbirds ... YIPPPEEEE

I'm soooooooooooo excited ... I checked the nest this morning and both eggs have been replaced by 2 little hummingbirds. Not the cutest baby animals I've ever seen, but I'm sure they'll be getting cute any minute. I'll check again tomorrow and see if they're cute. Stay tuned!