Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pretty bloomers & stuff

My pretty new orchid above, it's called "white spark panda" ... isn't it a beaut?

And the hibiscus out back, it's called "Country Music" ... I think I would've named it something else. Something that rhymes with "orange" ...


Where's Bubba?

There he is, communing with nature, curled up in the planter. How cute is that? Bless his little heart.

This is the air plant we bought from the Botanical Garden at Mango Mele last month ... should be shootin' out some color any day now. It's called Tillandsia.

And here's Geico, having a sip of some sweetness.


Anonymous said...

Your White Spark Panda orchid is beautiful. I hope the bloom lasts a long time. I've never seen an orchid like that. The hibiscus should be called Orange Sherbet--it looks yummy! I'm glad you added some new pictures. It still is looking like Paradise at Casa McFisher.  Love from Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,

Great pictures! You orchid is beautiful. I believe that is my favorite orchid.

Love ya, Wad

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill-
I've been watching the progress of hurricane Dean, and I've worried about my favorite vacation spot in the world.  Has St. Croix seen much of this weather?  I hope you and your family are alright.

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky,

Everything is fine here in St. Croix, we had a little wind and a little rain and that's about it. All is well here, we're happy that Dean missed us, but sad for the islands that get hit by Dean.

Thanks for asking!
