Thursday, September 14, 2006

It's official ...

Today I am halfway to 98.
This is my last halfway to double digits.
From here on out, I'll be halfway to triple digits. 
49 years ago today, I was born in a Walgreen's. Actually, I was born in a hospital, which has since been torn down and a Walgreen's built in it's place.
HOLY COW! Cow It's gonna be a great day!


Anonymous said...

hi Jill. Happy birthday for last week.
As they say, you are only as old as you feel.
Came across your journal from the message boards and thught id say hello.

Great pictures.
I have a bromeliad...all the way over here in England, although i think its dying becuase the flower turned from orange to brown and then shrivled up.

The island you live on looks great.
Wanna swap?

Anonymous said...

Thank you brainwhispers, for the birthday wishes. It was a wonderful birthday - every years just gets better and better.

How's life waaaaaaaay over in England? Sounds like your bromeliad finished blooming. I have one that did the same thing, but started getting new growths. Keep watering it and talking to it nicely and it will probably grow new plants!

I've never been to England, but I think it might be too cold to swap! I do enjoy the warm tropical life. Thanks again!
