Sunday, October 1, 2006

Breakfast in paradise

Yesterday HoneyBunch and I went to Full Moon Beach Bar for breakfast, 8 more times and it'll definitely be a habit! Once again, we had eggs benedict and it was most excellent. I took pictures of our breakfast, my Mom requested that; she's famous for taking pictures of her meals. She's not the one that's taken a picture of every single meal for the last 27 years, but she's a contender. It's TOOOO cute! When they come to visit in March, we have most of our meals documented and it's a wonderful thing. It's nice to be able to look back on our culinary delights, there are many when she and my Dad and Aunt Jan come to visit. GOOD TIMES.
I also took some videos of the restaurant, and driving on the left; the drive along the North Shore is gorgeous. I'll try to post the video here, and if that doesn't work I'll put it on YouTube for your viewing pleasure.
And now we've gotta go to the store and refill our water jugs. Later I'll tell you about the water situation here, it's very different; cisterns and 5 gallon water jugs are very important!

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