Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dateline: Paradise in Portland, Oregon

Yahooooooooo ... I'm in Oregon, enjoying the gorgeous fall colors, and cool autumn temperatures ... Note to self: buy some big warm socks today.
I arrived yesterday, after an overnight stay in Dallas, TX. It was nice to break up the flying into 2 parts. It was sooooo nice seeing all the beautiful fall colors as the plane descended in PDX ... very pretty. I noticed, as the plane taxied up to the terminal, all the airport staff on the runway area were bundled up in big, heavy, warm clothes ... not accustomed to seeing that! Glad I found my supply of winter clothes; I like wearing warm, fuzzy sweaters and jeans. I'll adjust to wearing shoes vs. sandals ... that's something my feet don't care for, they really prefer to be bare or not suffocating in closed shoes for long periods of time.
Today my Mom and I will go by my house and take a little peek; ensure the current tenant isn't tearing the place apart ... not worried about that. Then perhaps we'll do a little shopping. Yesterday we ventured out and I drove and never once did I find myself driving in the left lane ... not even once. My mantra: stay to the right, stay to the right, stay to the right.
So the weather here is cool and crisp ... but feels downright   cold to me, I'm enjoying the change. Back in my other paradise, my Honeybunch said there was a HUGE thunder and lightning storm last night .... louder than ever! And rain aplenty, with more to follow. I just hope they don't have a hurricane without me.
Time to hit the shower and get the day started. I'll take some pictures of the pretty colors and other stuff here in PDX and post them later, it's really green and pretty here.
I miss my HoneyBunch! Blow Kiss

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